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    Conditions of Use



      • These terms and conditions apply to the supply of goods and services to the Customer by Pattrick & Thompsons Limited (‘Pattrick & Thompsons’).

      2.1 In these Conditions the following definitions apply:

      • Business Day: means a day other than Saturday, Sunday and public holidays;
      • Conditions: means the terms and conditions set out in this document;
      • Contract: means the agreement between Pattrick & Thompsons and the Customer for the sale and purchase of Goods incorporating these Conditions;
      • Delivery Location: means the location(s) for delivery of the Goods and or supply of Services as set out in the Order by the Customer;
      • Force Majeure: means an event or sequence of events beyond Pattrick & Thompsons reasonable control preventing or delaying it from performing its obligations under the Contract including (but not limited to) an act of God, fire, flood, lightning, earthquake or other natural disaster; war, riot or civil unrest, strike, lockout or boycott or other industrial action; interruption or failure of supplies of power, fuel, water, transport, equipment, telecommunications service or materials required by or for performance of the Contract;
      • Goods: means the supply of aggregate and/or materials and/or waste removal as requested by the Customer by Pattrick & Thompsons to the Customer under a Contract;
      • Order: means the Customer's order for the Goods and/or Services from Pattrick & Thompsons;
      • Price: means the price charged by Pattrick & Thompsons for the Goods and or Services supplied under a Contract;
      • Services: means the services supplied by Pattrick & Thompsons to the Customer under a Contract for the delivery of the Goods;
      • VAT: means value added tax under the Value Added Taxes Act 1994 or any other similar sale or fiscal tax applying to the sale of the Goods and/or Services;

        2.2 Unless the context otherwise requires:

          • 2.2.1 Each gender includes the others.
          • 2.2.2 The singular includes the plural and vice versa.
          • 2.2.3 References to persons include individuals, unincorporated bodies, government entities, companies, and corporations.
          • 2.2.4 Clause headings do not affect their interpretation.
          • 2.2.5 General words are not limited by example.
          • 2.2.6 References to any legislation will be construed as a reference to that provision as amended, re-enacted, or extended at the relevant time.
          • 2.2.7 References to 'writing' include faxes and emails.

      • 3.1       These terms and conditions apply and form part of the Contract between Pattrick and Thompsons and the Customer. They supersede any previously issued terms and conditions.

        3.2       No terms or conditions endorsed on, delivered with, or contained in the Customer's purchase order, Customer’s confirmation of order or Customer’s specification will form part of the Contract.

        3.3       Each Order by the Customer to Pattrick and Thompsons will be deemed to be an offer to purchase Goods and/or Services subject to the Conditions. No Order which has been accepted by Pattrick and Thompsons may be cancelled by the Customer except with the written agreement of Pattrick and Thompsons .

        3.4       An Order will be accepted by Pattrick and Thompsons only when it confirms so to the Customer at its sole discretion. Pattrick and Thompsons reserves the right at all times to reject any Order, in whole or in part, at its sole discretion. If Pattrick and Thompsons accepts an Order by confirming the same to the Customer then there will be a binding agreement in place between Pattrick and Thompsons and the Customer for the supply of the relevant Goods and/or Services to the Customer.

        3.5       No variation of these Conditions or to an Order, or to an estimate from Pattrick and Thompsons will be binding unless expressly confirmed in writing by a duly authorised signatory on behalf of Pattrick and Thompsons . If the Customer wishes to make a variation to the Goods to be supplied after acceptance of an Order by Pattrick and Thompsons then it may make a request to Pattrick and Thompsons in writing and Pattrick and Thompsons will thereafter:-

        1. confirm whether it will accept such variation; and
        2. provide an estimate of costs that will be incurred by such variation.

        If Pattrick and Thompsons will accept such variation then the Customer will be liable to pay such additional costs of Pattrick and Thompsons as it shall notify to the Customer.

        3.6       Pattrick and Thompsons may supply estimates for the supply of Goods and/or Services. In the event that an estimate is given by Pattrick and Thompsons it will be deemed to be an invitation to treat (and shall not be an offer) by Pattrick and Thompsons to supply Goods and/or Services on and subject to the Conditions. Any estimate by Pattrick and Thompsons for the supply of Goods and/or Services will be valid for 1 months from the date of issue.

        3.7       Pattrick and Thompsons ’s employees or agents are not authorised to make any representations concerning the Goods or Services unless such representations are confirmed by Pattrick and Thompsons in writing to the Customer. In entering into the Contract the Customer acknowledges that it does not rely on any such representations which are not confirmed by Pattrick and Thompsons in writing but nothing in these Conditions affects either party’s liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.

    4. PRICE
      • 4.1 Subject to clause 4.2 the Price shall be as set out on the estimate issued by Pattrick and Thompsons . Unless otherwise stated the Price does not include VAT. VAT is charged by Pattrick and Thompsons at the then applicable rate which the Customer must pay.
      • 4.2. Estimates are not binding on Pattrick and Thompsons and Pattrick and Thompsons may need to make charges in addition to the charges set out in its estimate. This can occur for a number of reasons, including (but not limited to) if:
        1. the Customer requests additional or different Goods and/or Services (and PT has agreed to make such changes or additions);
        2. additional or different Goods and/or Services are necessary in the opinion of Pattrick and Thompsons to comply with applicable health and safety or statutory requirements (and Pattrick and Thompsons has agreed to such changes);
        3. additional or different Goods and/or Services are necessary in the opinion of Pattrick and Thompsons as a result of incorrect or misleading information provided to Pattrick and Thompsons ;
        4. it becomes apparent to Pattrick and Thompsons that the amount of Goods and/or Services or the type of Goods and/or Services needed to satisfy the Customer’s request(s) is different to what was notified when the estimate was provided;
        5. there has been change, for example to the Delivery Location, Equipment, other goods, equipment, items or premises which affect the supply of the Goods and/or Services;
        6. the supply of the Goods and/or Services are interrupted (other than at the fault of PT).
      • Where additional charges will be made by Pattrick and Thompsons then Pattrick and Thompsons will first inform the Customer of any additional cost and seek their approval to procced except for where:-

        (i)      it is not possible to contact the Customer within a reasonable time, or

        (ii)     it is not (in Pattrick and Thompsons’s opinion) safe not to carry out and finish supplying the Goods and/or Services, for example because the Customer’s goods or premises would be left in a dangerous condition or unprotected from theft if Pattrick and Thompsons did not complete the supply of the Goods and/or Services.

        If the Customer does not wish to incur such additional cost then Pattrick and Thompsons will not be liable for (i) any delay in the supply of the Goods and/or Services or (ii) any failure to continue or complete the supply of any Goods and/or Services under the Contract.

        4.3    Unless otherwise agreed in writing (and subject to clause 13.4) or in accordance with a credit facility as agreed by Pattrick and Thompsons for the benefit of the Customer, the Price is payable by the Customer to Pattrick and Thompsons in full in cleared funds 48 hours prior to delivery of the Goods and time for payment of the Price is of the essence.

        4.4    If the Price is not paid by the due dates, interest shall accrue on the unpaid portion of the Price at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum above the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank plc in accordance with the terms of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

        4.5    Without prejudice to or limiting any other rights that Pattrick and Thompsons may have, where any sums due to Pattrick and Thompsons are not paid in full in cleared funds by the due date under clause 4.3 Pattrick and Thompsons may:

        1. suspend or cancel the supply of Goods and/or Services to the Customer;
        2. terminate all and any Contracts with the Customer on giving written notice.

        4.6   If the Delivery Location is not accessible or fit for delivery of the Goods at the estimated delivery date or the items have not been fully paid in accordance with clause 4.3 above then Pattrick and Thompsons reserves the right to charge the Customer £100.00 by way of a cancellation fee in relation to the Order.

      • 5.1 Goods are delivered to the Delivery Location; Services are supplied to the Delivery Location.
      • 5.2 Goods deemed delivered on arrival; Services deemed complete upon arrival and unloading.
      • 5.3 Estimated delivery dates are approximate; time is not of the essence.
      • 5.4 Customer must give 48 hours notice for any change in delivery date.
      • 5.5 If the Delivery Location is not accessible or fit for delivery of the Goods at the estimated delivery date then Pattrick and Thompson reserves the right to charge the Customer the price of the Goods and any reasonable associated costs with delivery by way of a cancellation fee in relation to the Order.
      • 5.6 Pattrick and Thompsons will not be liable for any delay in or failure of delivery of the Goods or any delay in or failure of the supply of Services caused by:-

        1. the Customer’s failure to make the Delivery Location available;
        2. the Customer’s failure to prepare the Delivery Location in accordance with instructions provided by Pattrick and Thompsons or otherwise as required for the supply of the Goods and/or Services under the Contract;
        3. the Customer’s failure to provide Pattrick and Thompsons with adequate instructions, for delivery or supply or otherwise relating to the Goods or Services; or
        4. any delay or failure by any third party to supply Goods or Services to the Customer.
        5. an event of Force Majeure.
      • 5.7   If, 10 Business Days after the due date for delivery or collection of the Goods, the Customer has not taken delivery, Pattrick and Thompsons may resell or otherwise dispose of the Goods.  If such Goods are resold or otherwise disposed of, Pattrick and Thompsons will:

        i) invoice the Customer for reasonable storage charges and costs of resale to include the cost of any re-stock fee imposed on Pattrick and Thompsons by the supplier; and

        ii) account to the Customer for any excess of the resale price over (provided the Customer has paid the Price in full in cleared funds), or invoice the Customer for any shortfall of the resale price below, the price paid by the Customer for the Goods.

      • 6.1 Risk in the Goods will pass to the Customer on arrival of the Goods at the Delivery Location. Unless otherwise agreed in writing Pattrick and Thompsons will unload the Goods at the Customer’s own cost and risk.

        6.2 Title to the Goods will not pass to the Customer until Pattrick and Thompsons has received payment in full and cleared funds for all charges due in respect of the relevant Contract under which the Goods are supplied.

        6.3  Until title to the Goods has passed to the Customer, the Customer will:

        1. hold the Goods as bailee for Pattrick and Thompsons;
        2. store the Goods separately from all other material in the Customer's possession;
        3. take all reasonable care of the Goods and keep them in reasonable and saleable condition;
        4. insure the Goods: (i) with a reputable insurer (ii) from the time and date of delivery (iii) against all risks (iv) for an amount at least equal to the Price;
        5. ensure that the Goods are labeled and clearly identifiable as belonging to Pattricks and Thompsons;
        6. not remove or alter any mark on or packaging of the Goods;

        6.4     If, at any time before title to the Goods has passed to the Customer, the Customer has, or Pattrick and Thompsons reasonably believes the Customer is likely to, become subject to any of the events specified in clause  12.1, Pattrick and Thompsons will be entitled to:

        6.4.1       repossess all or any of the Goods and to take possession of all or any goods incorporating Goods; and

        6.4.2       require the Customer at the Customer’s expense to redeliver the Goods to Pattrick and Thompsons and if the Customer fails to do so promptly, enter any premises where the Goods are stored and repossess them with such transport as may be necessary or instruct agents to do so.

        6.5   The Customer warrants that it is not at the time of entering into the Contract insolvent and knows of no circumstance which would entitle any creditor to appoint a receiver or to petition for winding up or to exercise any other rights over or against its assets.

      • 7.1   For the avoidance of doubt Pattricks and Thompsons shall not be liable to any person  company or other organisation other than the Customer and the Customer may not assign to any third party the benefit of the Contract.

        7.2    Pattrick and Thompsons confirms it will be fully insured in order to perform the Goods and/or Services under the Contract.

        7.3     Subject as expressly provided in these Conditions all warranties,

        conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are  excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

        7.4      The Customer acknowledges that in entering into the Contract it does so not in reliance on any representation, warranty, or other provision except as expressly provided in these Conditions. Nothing in these Conditions excludes any liability for fraud.

        7.5     The Client is responsible for ensuring that any “Personal Data” (as defined by the Act) it supplies to Pattrick and Thompsons has been collected within the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. Pattricks and Thompsons agrees to process the date in accordance with lawful and reasonable written instructions provided by the Client and shall in all circumstances ensure that any such Personal Data is kept and stored securely.


      • 8.1     The Customer will at its own cost and expense and for the benefit of Pattrick and Thompsons:

        8.1.1        place all orders on the terms of the Conditions and ensure that their contents are complete and accurate;

        8.1.2        ensure that each part of any specification, information and data which it provides is complete, accurate and contains all information that Pattrick and Thompsons may require;

        8.1.3        cooperate (and procure that its employees, agents and contractors cooperate) fully with Pattrick and Thompsons in relation to delivery or collection of the Goods and supply of the Services (including but not limited to ensuring the Delivery Location is available at the estimated time for supply of the Goods and/or Services) and comply with such instructions as Pattrick and Thompsons may reasonably issue during the supply of the Goods and/or Services;

        8.1.4        take all such steps as may be necessary to ensure and preserve the health and safety of Pattrick and Thompsons, its employees, and agents and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing ensure that the Delivery Location (and such other site it is requested Pattrick and Thompsons attend for the supply of the Goods and or Services) is compliant with all relevant health and safety laws and regulations and ensure that it has the correct insurance in place and provide copies to Pattrick and Thompsons upon Pattrick and Thompsons’s request;

        8.1.5        promptly provide Pattrick and Thompsons with such information that it reasonably requires;

        8.1.6        promptly provide Pattrick and Thompsons with such health and safety information that may apply to the Delivery Location (and any other site it is requested to attend for the supply of the Goods and or Services) and the supply of the Goods and or Services;

        8.1.7        at time(s) notified by Pattrick and Thompsons provide such access for Pattrick and Thompsons to the Delivery Location as Pattrick and Thompsons may reasonably require for the supply of the Goods and or Services and inspections prior to such supply;

        8.1.8        take such steps as Pattrick and Thompsons may reasonably require to ensure that the Delivery Location, are suitable (in the opinion of Pattricks and Thompsons) for the supply of the Goods and or Services within the time specified by Pattrick and Thompsons;

        8.1.9        be responsible for the security of the Delivery Location  and its other goods, equipment, items or premises;

        8.1.10        obtained the relevant permissions and approvals that may be required from time to time from Local Authorities or Planning Councils;

        8.1.11        obtain the relevant permissions and approvals from any neighbouring properties to which access may be required by Pattrick and Thompsons. Any such permission or approval will be deemed to have been granted prior to Pattrick and Thompsons commencing any relevant works;

        8.1.12        ensure that any articles and possesions that may be damaged during the works under the Contract are removed prior to the works beginning. Damage includes an act by Pattrick and Thompsons or one of its employees or agents consistent to what would be expected in the Contract or an act of force majeure.

        8.2     With regards to its rights under clause 8.1, Pattricks and Thompsons cannot accept liability for any consequential loss arising from the failure by the Customer to take precautions in relation any of Pattrick and Thompsons demands as set out above


      • Pattrick and Thompsons will not be liable if delayed in or prevented from performing any of its obligations due to Force Majeure, provided that it uses reasonable endeavours to minimise the effects of that event.

      • All drawings, designs, data, information, reports and other documents produced or provided by Pattrick and Thompsons in connection with the Goods and Services will remain the property of Pattrick and Thompsons and shall not be copied, reproduced or shared without the prior written consent of Pattrick and Thompsons.
      • 11.1    Pattrick and Thompsons does not limit or exclude its liability:

        11.1.1 for death or personal injury caused by its (or its employees) negligence; or

        11.1.2 each of the terms implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and by section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982;

        11.1.3  for defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987; or

        11.1.4   for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

        11.2    Subject to clause 11.1 Pattrick and Thompsons total aggregate liability in respect of all claims, losses or damages, whether arising from contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise under or in connection with the Contract shall in no event exceed the amount of Pattrick and Thompsons’s charges for the Goods and Services under the Contract in connection with which such claim is made.

        11.3    Subject to clause 11.1 Pattrick and Thompsons shall not be liable for:-

        11.3.1   any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, or

        11.3.2 any loss of profit, turnover, business opportunity or damage to goodwill (whether direct or indirect), howsoever arising.

        11.4  Without prejudice to the generality of clauses 11.2 and 11.3 the Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless Pattrick and Thompsons from and against all claims, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities, damages, demands, proceedings, legal costs (on a full indemnity basis) and judgments which Pattrick and Thompsons or the Customer suffers or incurs by reason of or arising out of:-

        1. any breach by the Customer of the Contract (including but not limited to the Conditions);
        2. any act or omission of the Customer or any third party;
        3. goods or services supplied to the Customer by any third party;
        4. defects or damage to any Equipment, Delivery Location, other goods, equipment, items or premises existing before the date of the Contract;
        5. any damage caused to the Equipment, Delivery Location, other goods (including but not limited to parts), equipment, items or premises as a result of Services carried out in accordance with any Contract between Pattrick and Thompsons and the Customer.
      • 12.1  The Contract may be terminated forthwith at any time by Pattrick and Thompsons on written notice to the Customer (without Pattrick and Thompsons incurring any liability to the Customer) if:

        12.1.1 the Customer commits a material breach, or series of breaches resulting in a material breach, of the Contract and such breach is not remediable or is not remedied within 14 days of written notice to do so;

        12.1.5 a receiver or administrative receiver may be or is appointed in relation to the Customer or any of its assets or the Customer becomes subject to a bankruptcy petition;

        12.2  Without prejudice to its rights under clause 12.1 Pattrick and Thompsons may terminate or suspend any Contract with the Customer at any time by giving written notice to the Customer if in the opinion of Pattrick and Thompsons there is a risk to health and safety at the Delivery Location (or any other site that Pattrick and Thompsons employees, subcontractors or agents attend in the course of the supply of the Goods and or Services).

        12.3      Without prejudice to its rights under clause 12.1 and 12.2 Pattrick and Thompsons may suspend or terminate Contracts with the Customer if there is change or alteration to the Delivery Location or other goods, equipment, items or premises which in Pattrick and Thompsons reasonable opinion affect the supply of the Goods and or Services.

        12.4      On termination of the Contract for any reason:

        1. all amounts invoiced by Pattrick and Thompsons shall immediately become due and payable (whether or not they have become due for payment under the Contract) and the Customer will immediately pay all such sums in full in cleared funds;
        2. Pattrick and Thompsons will, within 30 Business Days, invoice the Customer for all Goods and Services delivered or collected or provided but not yet invoiced and the Customer will pay such invoice within a further 5 Business Days (unless the invoice is disputed in good faith);
        3. the accrued rights and liabilities of the parties will not be affected; and
        4. any clause which expressly or by implication is to survive termination will do so.
      • 13.1   TIME

        Unless stated otherwise, time is not of the essence of any date or period specified in these Conditions.

        13.2 NO SET-OFF

        All payments by the Customer will be made without set-off or counterclaim, free and clear of and without deduction for any tax, levy, duty, charge, or withholdings of any kind now or in the future, imposed in any jurisdiction unless the Customer is compelled by law to deduct or withhold any such amounts, in which case it will pay to Pattrick and Thompsons such additional amount as will ensure that Pattrick and Thompsons is paid the full amount it would have received but for such deduction or withholding.

        13.3 RELATIONSHIP

        The parties are independent businesses and not principal and agent, partners, or employer and employee.

        13.4  SEVERABILITY

        If any part of these Conditions is found by a court, tribunal or other administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, that provision is to be severed from the Conditions and the remaining provisions of the Conditions and the Contract will otherwise remain in full force.

        13.5  NOTICES

        Notices under this Agreement will be in writing and sent to the persons and addresses (including but not limited to postal addresses and email addresses) set out in the Order.  They may be given, and will be deemed received:

        a.          by first-class post: two Business Days after posting;

        b.          by hand: on delivery;

        c.          by fax: one Business Day after the fax transmission was sent; or

        d.          by email: one Business Day after the email was sent.

        13.6  WAIVER

        No delay, act or omission by either party in exercising any right or remedy will be deemed a waiver of that, or any other, right or remedy.


        This Contract is not enforceable by any third party under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

        13.8  PRIORITY

        The terms of the Conditions prevail over those of the Order.

        13.9  ENTIRE AGREEMENT

        The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties in relation to its subject matter.  No other terms apply.


        1. This Contract will bind each party’s permitted successors, permitted assigns and personal representatives.
        2. The Customer may not assign any of its rights or obligations under the Contract. For the avoidance of doubt Pattrick and Thompsons may assign its rights and obligations and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing it may engage sub-contractors to provide the Goods and or Services or any part thereof.


        This Contract will be governed by the laws of England and disputes will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.